Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Notebooks. 80-105

June Journals 6 -29-88 pg 89

what is mexico? another fast stop for quasi-beat u.s middle-class poets to photograph themselves on a literary burro on their way to managuan book fair and a bakcyeard hut experience for $800 so they can come back to their sanded-down desks somewhere overlooking the bay area and write a feeble twenty -page stoke of mastubations and distortions? believe it or not, this is is what is going on. look around.

This journal is about how so many people think that when they got o mexico and and get can live there for a while they jsut now everything about how life down there is like. how they think that this other culture of partying and such is the only thing down there. people think that they know how something is jsut by exprencing it once. if someone came to american and hung out in LA for a month they would think they knew eveytrhign about american but that is compleatly not true everywere in america is diffrent its the same with mexico people go to one place and generlize the whole place.

Simon Says pg 91

No bible in the tribe
kees the culture alive.

i like this quote because its very true. in socities people fight over eveything, in a culture religon has coused alot of problems. the whole poem has little blips like this saying like cant see in light so they see all night just saying because of one event it leads to another i think the title is perfect cuz it is like the game simon says. haveing eveyone under on religon clearly doesent work hence how america was founded or all the fighting jews had to go threw to have there reglion be free. not haveing one dommonet religon and haveing all religons mix is the way to keep a happy culture.

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