Monday, May 21, 2007

Notebooks. 151-174

pg 169
you dont see what iv been carring. you tink dis is easy sweetie? ever since i ws in Paris Ive been hauling this thin baby around. i could be in a tough straights i could be in the good times but i always gots this oneon me my great-granpapi gave the good times but i always gots this one with me.

I dont understand antyhing that is going on. he hass a cool alecent the guy here. this whole little story/ play thing is interesting for sure but some parts just odnt evenb make any ence. i dont think i like this at all.. its ok and stuff but it isent as cool as it was then.

Notebooks. 131-151

pg 135

I stand alone i hold a thousand lights in my teeth my throat is scted my voice rises on its own, without the charater only the rebek fuse the wise elder mothers and my handsom lonely sharp faced teen sisters.

i dont know why he says he stands alone it doesnet seem likehe is alone at all.. he is talking about his sisters and mother and handsom people i dont think he is alone...

pg 139

a writer with maids not in my book buddy never in my book my mother was a maid in el paso texas long enough are writers maids now? who do we cook for carnal carnala?\

the writer is talming about how writeers are like maids always cleaning up after thhemelsves in sence, editing papers, they are slaves to obervations always haveing to overrvies without even meening or wanting to sometimes. slaves to there inerpretations of things.

Notebooks. 105-131

Undelivered letters to victor. pg 112

I mumble, sometimes I prefer solitude peek at what fire still burns in me or is it iciness?
he is trying to figure out who he kinda he doesnt know hwo he feels about everything i like this quote it when he si wrting this to victor in a lette rand beofre he si just saying stuff about writers

June Journals pg 118

because it is all baout deep connection about deep nurturance and about ddeep loving. how can there be real relationships without these?

this is in his journal just thoughts to himself abo8ut things.. before he sit alking about his mother and the girls, and how writing is kinda this love the lobve for wrting what he list before is what he saying about it his relationships with writing.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Notebooks. 80-105

June Journals 6 -29-88 pg 89

what is mexico? another fast stop for quasi-beat u.s middle-class poets to photograph themselves on a literary burro on their way to managuan book fair and a bakcyeard hut experience for $800 so they can come back to their sanded-down desks somewhere overlooking the bay area and write a feeble twenty -page stoke of mastubations and distortions? believe it or not, this is is what is going on. look around.

This journal is about how so many people think that when they got o mexico and and get can live there for a while they jsut now everything about how life down there is like. how they think that this other culture of partying and such is the only thing down there. people think that they know how something is jsut by exprencing it once. if someone came to american and hung out in LA for a month they would think they knew eveytrhign about american but that is compleatly not true everywere in america is diffrent its the same with mexico people go to one place and generlize the whole place.

Simon Says pg 91

No bible in the tribe
kees the culture alive.

i like this quote because its very true. in socities people fight over eveything, in a culture religon has coused alot of problems. the whole poem has little blips like this saying like cant see in light so they see all night just saying because of one event it leads to another i think the title is perfect cuz it is like the game simon says. haveing eveyone under on religon clearly doesent work hence how america was founded or all the fighting jews had to go threw to have there reglion be free. not haveing one dommonet religon and haveing all religons mix is the way to keep a happy culture.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Notebooks. 56-80

june journals pg 69

Ginsberg, Araud, Nervo, Locrca. Neruda, Popa, Hikmet, Rodnati, Walker. These are the shoados- i should have told her.

These are some of the most out spoken writers, but he calls them shadows. i have no idea why. earlyer she asked him who has influenced him and he said his mum and the girl who was asking asked about everyone else. i guess she didenet understand that his mum could have been an inspreation. she used to write and he respected and love her. he also doesnet write much like these authors. i meen the authors all have diffrent veiws but to him they dont inspire. not like he needs. i dont understand why he calls them all shadows becouse they are not at all.

It is said pg 76

If you see three hummingbirds in a row, the world is yours.

this whole blip is just talking about supperstions i think. people created stupid cenaroes in order to think that they are bringining likc to their future. it is kidna making fun of them. it says many diffrent things like if you do one thing someing like this will happen to you. he is decribing people who beliuve in fate and superstion and those who just dont kow what they want or what to belive. i like this poem actually becaouse it is realy taking to compleatly un-related things and putting them together to form an opion to scared people into doing it. its kinda i bet how they used to influence the masses give them a superstion like that and for them all to follow it in fear that if they dont they will be punished or bad things will happen to them.
>How did you guys come together, were did you meet and when?

We met in the mid nineties. we had each done
similar projects and mutual frineds put us in
touch with each other (see the yes men movie for
more on this! its on google video)

>Would you consider yourselves a counter cultural group? And why

I dont think so. not as the yes men anyway. it
would be nice if we were though. its just that
usually the counter culture involves some
aesthetic / lifestyle choices that we have not
uniformly applied as yes men.

>When picking a "target" what do you first look for/ how do you find who to

we look first to where the biggest injustices
are, and second to the feasibility of doing
something that would get at the target.
Sometimes, we get solicitations for help from
individuals or groups who are fighting a big
corporation or other powerful entity

>When you guys started out did you try to make a political statement or
>just to get peoples feather in a bunch ha?

We were after making political statements from the beginning.

>Were do you guys get the funding to do this?

We work day jobs and we lecture as the yes men...

Second set of questions i sent them last night....

Policticaly were do you stand?

What /if there are any charges against you guys what is it for? and have you been arressted?

Do the orgnanizations you go after try to sue or charge you with anything?

How do you guys keep yoursleves so serouse during your presentations?

Why did you call it the Yes Men?

Are there any other groups that help you? and if so who?

Do you get alot of critizing and hazing from people, and does it bother you?

Do you do anything for the enviorment at all?

As of right now. what is the project you guys are working on? ( if you can tell me.. please explain in detail)

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Notebooks. 1-30

Limpia for walking into a clear campos. pg. 6

I drop my burdens

He says this evey other line in the poem thing. this is my problem i dont know what to call this they dont seem like poems at all. but anyway. he drops his burdens. what burdens, the burdens from his body? he is talking from foot to head every time he says it. its like eh trying to clean himself of them from his whole body. he my be feel something he shouldent and it if affecting his whole self. he doesent talk about anything in his mind mentaly he is talking about his body is actual self. it kinda seems like he wants jsut have this weight that is on him be lifted off.

New yourkcity angelic pg 23-24

A donut has meaning.

ok i dont know many donuts with meaning. this blip thing or poem is just about eveything in new york kinda. the feelings he gets in the city. he is saying that the little thing i guess has meaning. that even though it is just a donut there is more to it. i dont really have much to say becouse as a whole i dont understand how something that small is something that has no meaning. but yet he still talks about it. if something has so little meaning then why write about it. i must have meaning if he remembered to write it down. every word that someone thinks of or writes has meaning otherwise it wouldent have been said or done. unless he is using his selfcounouse mind but he isent here i dont think. how can somethign not have meaning if it is being talked about?

Notebooks. 30-55

Machofillia (s) pg 38

Tobacco socks
leather forks
redwood boxers
spit instead of tears
the obscure insides of a swatch watch

This poem or blip, goes on. Alot of the poems in this book really are random. just him going on tangents, not really making any sence. its kinda like a comparison the whole time. everything from everywere around the world is kinda throne together in this peom. I liked it alot i dont even no why. the randomeness i think was the most interesting. but actually as i just typed that i bet the poem wasent random at all, when he wrote it he proably thought everythign went together. that it wasent all random but for the reader like me it was supposed to be. maybe that was his point to confuse us? i dont know.

June Journals pg 51

How do we get to the big questions? Real beginnings?

What is this big questions he is asking. is he asking about life. in the journal before he was talking about this kinda. he was questioning alot of things. this is like the big questions he ask. literaly what is the big question or how do we get to it? he is not asking the question but how to get to it. but that is the whole point i think. how does anyone come up with the question. somthing has to come and inspire it. or trigger something in a person mind to wonder. he wants in insperation for the question to come.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

"The White Heron"
"A Death in the Desert"

compare them


great gaspty spending to make happy

dharma bums living with nothing nnot needing anything

dont know yet