Monday, May 14, 2007

Notebooks. 56-80

june journals pg 69

Ginsberg, Araud, Nervo, Locrca. Neruda, Popa, Hikmet, Rodnati, Walker. These are the shoados- i should have told her.

These are some of the most out spoken writers, but he calls them shadows. i have no idea why. earlyer she asked him who has influenced him and he said his mum and the girl who was asking asked about everyone else. i guess she didenet understand that his mum could have been an inspreation. she used to write and he respected and love her. he also doesnet write much like these authors. i meen the authors all have diffrent veiws but to him they dont inspire. not like he needs. i dont understand why he calls them all shadows becouse they are not at all.

It is said pg 76

If you see three hummingbirds in a row, the world is yours.

this whole blip is just talking about supperstions i think. people created stupid cenaroes in order to think that they are bringining likc to their future. it is kidna making fun of them. it says many diffrent things like if you do one thing someing like this will happen to you. he is decribing people who beliuve in fate and superstion and those who just dont kow what they want or what to belive. i like this poem actually becaouse it is realy taking to compleatly un-related things and putting them together to form an opion to scared people into doing it. its kinda i bet how they used to influence the masses give them a superstion like that and for them all to follow it in fear that if they dont they will be punished or bad things will happen to them.

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