Monday, May 14, 2007

>How did you guys come together, were did you meet and when?

We met in the mid nineties. we had each done
similar projects and mutual frineds put us in
touch with each other (see the yes men movie for
more on this! its on google video)

>Would you consider yourselves a counter cultural group? And why

I dont think so. not as the yes men anyway. it
would be nice if we were though. its just that
usually the counter culture involves some
aesthetic / lifestyle choices that we have not
uniformly applied as yes men.

>When picking a "target" what do you first look for/ how do you find who to

we look first to where the biggest injustices
are, and second to the feasibility of doing
something that would get at the target.
Sometimes, we get solicitations for help from
individuals or groups who are fighting a big
corporation or other powerful entity

>When you guys started out did you try to make a political statement or
>just to get peoples feather in a bunch ha?

We were after making political statements from the beginning.

>Were do you guys get the funding to do this?

We work day jobs and we lecture as the yes men...

Second set of questions i sent them last night....

Policticaly were do you stand?

What /if there are any charges against you guys what is it for? and have you been arressted?

Do the orgnanizations you go after try to sue or charge you with anything?

How do you guys keep yoursleves so serouse during your presentations?

Why did you call it the Yes Men?

Are there any other groups that help you? and if so who?

Do you get alot of critizing and hazing from people, and does it bother you?

Do you do anything for the enviorment at all?

As of right now. what is the project you guys are working on? ( if you can tell me.. please explain in detail)

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