Sunday, May 13, 2007

Notebooks. 1-30

Limpia for walking into a clear campos. pg. 6

I drop my burdens

He says this evey other line in the poem thing. this is my problem i dont know what to call this they dont seem like poems at all. but anyway. he drops his burdens. what burdens, the burdens from his body? he is talking from foot to head every time he says it. its like eh trying to clean himself of them from his whole body. he my be feel something he shouldent and it if affecting his whole self. he doesent talk about anything in his mind mentaly he is talking about his body is actual self. it kinda seems like he wants jsut have this weight that is on him be lifted off.

New yourkcity angelic pg 23-24

A donut has meaning.

ok i dont know many donuts with meaning. this blip thing or poem is just about eveything in new york kinda. the feelings he gets in the city. he is saying that the little thing i guess has meaning. that even though it is just a donut there is more to it. i dont really have much to say becouse as a whole i dont understand how something that small is something that has no meaning. but yet he still talks about it. if something has so little meaning then why write about it. i must have meaning if he remembered to write it down. every word that someone thinks of or writes has meaning otherwise it wouldent have been said or done. unless he is using his selfcounouse mind but he isent here i dont think. how can somethign not have meaning if it is being talked about?

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