Monday, May 21, 2007

Notebooks. 151-174

pg 169
you dont see what iv been carring. you tink dis is easy sweetie? ever since i ws in Paris Ive been hauling this thin baby around. i could be in a tough straights i could be in the good times but i always gots this oneon me my great-granpapi gave the good times but i always gots this one with me.

I dont understand antyhing that is going on. he hass a cool alecent the guy here. this whole little story/ play thing is interesting for sure but some parts just odnt evenb make any ence. i dont think i like this at all.. its ok and stuff but it isent as cool as it was then.

Notebooks. 131-151

pg 135

I stand alone i hold a thousand lights in my teeth my throat is scted my voice rises on its own, without the charater only the rebek fuse the wise elder mothers and my handsom lonely sharp faced teen sisters.

i dont know why he says he stands alone it doesnet seem likehe is alone at all.. he is talking about his sisters and mother and handsom people i dont think he is alone...

pg 139

a writer with maids not in my book buddy never in my book my mother was a maid in el paso texas long enough are writers maids now? who do we cook for carnal carnala?\

the writer is talming about how writeers are like maids always cleaning up after thhemelsves in sence, editing papers, they are slaves to obervations always haveing to overrvies without even meening or wanting to sometimes. slaves to there inerpretations of things.

Notebooks. 105-131

Undelivered letters to victor. pg 112

I mumble, sometimes I prefer solitude peek at what fire still burns in me or is it iciness?
he is trying to figure out who he kinda he doesnt know hwo he feels about everything i like this quote it when he si wrting this to victor in a lette rand beofre he si just saying stuff about writers

June Journals pg 118

because it is all baout deep connection about deep nurturance and about ddeep loving. how can there be real relationships without these?

this is in his journal just thoughts to himself abo8ut things.. before he sit alking about his mother and the girls, and how writing is kinda this love the lobve for wrting what he list before is what he saying about it his relationships with writing.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Notebooks. 80-105

June Journals 6 -29-88 pg 89

what is mexico? another fast stop for quasi-beat u.s middle-class poets to photograph themselves on a literary burro on their way to managuan book fair and a bakcyeard hut experience for $800 so they can come back to their sanded-down desks somewhere overlooking the bay area and write a feeble twenty -page stoke of mastubations and distortions? believe it or not, this is is what is going on. look around.

This journal is about how so many people think that when they got o mexico and and get can live there for a while they jsut now everything about how life down there is like. how they think that this other culture of partying and such is the only thing down there. people think that they know how something is jsut by exprencing it once. if someone came to american and hung out in LA for a month they would think they knew eveytrhign about american but that is compleatly not true everywere in america is diffrent its the same with mexico people go to one place and generlize the whole place.

Simon Says pg 91

No bible in the tribe
kees the culture alive.

i like this quote because its very true. in socities people fight over eveything, in a culture religon has coused alot of problems. the whole poem has little blips like this saying like cant see in light so they see all night just saying because of one event it leads to another i think the title is perfect cuz it is like the game simon says. haveing eveyone under on religon clearly doesent work hence how america was founded or all the fighting jews had to go threw to have there reglion be free. not haveing one dommonet religon and haveing all religons mix is the way to keep a happy culture.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Notebooks. 56-80

june journals pg 69

Ginsberg, Araud, Nervo, Locrca. Neruda, Popa, Hikmet, Rodnati, Walker. These are the shoados- i should have told her.

These are some of the most out spoken writers, but he calls them shadows. i have no idea why. earlyer she asked him who has influenced him and he said his mum and the girl who was asking asked about everyone else. i guess she didenet understand that his mum could have been an inspreation. she used to write and he respected and love her. he also doesnet write much like these authors. i meen the authors all have diffrent veiws but to him they dont inspire. not like he needs. i dont understand why he calls them all shadows becouse they are not at all.

It is said pg 76

If you see three hummingbirds in a row, the world is yours.

this whole blip is just talking about supperstions i think. people created stupid cenaroes in order to think that they are bringining likc to their future. it is kidna making fun of them. it says many diffrent things like if you do one thing someing like this will happen to you. he is decribing people who beliuve in fate and superstion and those who just dont kow what they want or what to belive. i like this poem actually becaouse it is realy taking to compleatly un-related things and putting them together to form an opion to scared people into doing it. its kinda i bet how they used to influence the masses give them a superstion like that and for them all to follow it in fear that if they dont they will be punished or bad things will happen to them.
>How did you guys come together, were did you meet and when?

We met in the mid nineties. we had each done
similar projects and mutual frineds put us in
touch with each other (see the yes men movie for
more on this! its on google video)

>Would you consider yourselves a counter cultural group? And why

I dont think so. not as the yes men anyway. it
would be nice if we were though. its just that
usually the counter culture involves some
aesthetic / lifestyle choices that we have not
uniformly applied as yes men.

>When picking a "target" what do you first look for/ how do you find who to

we look first to where the biggest injustices
are, and second to the feasibility of doing
something that would get at the target.
Sometimes, we get solicitations for help from
individuals or groups who are fighting a big
corporation or other powerful entity

>When you guys started out did you try to make a political statement or
>just to get peoples feather in a bunch ha?

We were after making political statements from the beginning.

>Were do you guys get the funding to do this?

We work day jobs and we lecture as the yes men...

Second set of questions i sent them last night....

Policticaly were do you stand?

What /if there are any charges against you guys what is it for? and have you been arressted?

Do the orgnanizations you go after try to sue or charge you with anything?

How do you guys keep yoursleves so serouse during your presentations?

Why did you call it the Yes Men?

Are there any other groups that help you? and if so who?

Do you get alot of critizing and hazing from people, and does it bother you?

Do you do anything for the enviorment at all?

As of right now. what is the project you guys are working on? ( if you can tell me.. please explain in detail)

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Notebooks. 1-30

Limpia for walking into a clear campos. pg. 6

I drop my burdens

He says this evey other line in the poem thing. this is my problem i dont know what to call this they dont seem like poems at all. but anyway. he drops his burdens. what burdens, the burdens from his body? he is talking from foot to head every time he says it. its like eh trying to clean himself of them from his whole body. he my be feel something he shouldent and it if affecting his whole self. he doesent talk about anything in his mind mentaly he is talking about his body is actual self. it kinda seems like he wants jsut have this weight that is on him be lifted off.

New yourkcity angelic pg 23-24

A donut has meaning.

ok i dont know many donuts with meaning. this blip thing or poem is just about eveything in new york kinda. the feelings he gets in the city. he is saying that the little thing i guess has meaning. that even though it is just a donut there is more to it. i dont really have much to say becouse as a whole i dont understand how something that small is something that has no meaning. but yet he still talks about it. if something has so little meaning then why write about it. i must have meaning if he remembered to write it down. every word that someone thinks of or writes has meaning otherwise it wouldent have been said or done. unless he is using his selfcounouse mind but he isent here i dont think. how can somethign not have meaning if it is being talked about?

Notebooks. 30-55

Machofillia (s) pg 38

Tobacco socks
leather forks
redwood boxers
spit instead of tears
the obscure insides of a swatch watch

This poem or blip, goes on. Alot of the poems in this book really are random. just him going on tangents, not really making any sence. its kinda like a comparison the whole time. everything from everywere around the world is kinda throne together in this peom. I liked it alot i dont even no why. the randomeness i think was the most interesting. but actually as i just typed that i bet the poem wasent random at all, when he wrote it he proably thought everythign went together. that it wasent all random but for the reader like me it was supposed to be. maybe that was his point to confuse us? i dont know.

June Journals pg 51

How do we get to the big questions? Real beginnings?

What is this big questions he is asking. is he asking about life. in the journal before he was talking about this kinda. he was questioning alot of things. this is like the big questions he ask. literaly what is the big question or how do we get to it? he is not asking the question but how to get to it. but that is the whole point i think. how does anyone come up with the question. somthing has to come and inspire it. or trigger something in a person mind to wonder. he wants in insperation for the question to come.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

"The White Heron"
"A Death in the Desert"

compare them


great gaspty spending to make happy

dharma bums living with nothing nnot needing anything

dont know yet

Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Dharma Bums- Pg. 200-223

" We'll write poems, we'll get a printing press and print opur own poems, the Dharma Press, we'll poetize the lot and make a fat book of icy bombs for the booby public."

I like how idealistic they are. Always comming up with new ideas. thats the cool part. I always have ideasliek this too but i never persew one untill somthing happends or i now its going to work with out much help. Maybe this is why Jack Kerowak writes and and all it proably started out as an idea and then he jsut went with it and it stoped becomming an idea it actually became something.

" Well then nothing's really happening, then."
He threw a stick at me and hit me on the foot.
" Well, that diden't happen," I said.

He is talking about how little things are meaning less. or well not meeningless becaouse some of the smallest things in life are meaningless but this kinda is talking about how witha pure Tathagata mind asking or haveing stupid things like that meen nothing there is nothing behind it. this is just showing how something like that really doesn't meen anything there is nothign behind it a stick was throne that was it. its kinda like a Zen moment i think.

The Dharma Bums- Pg. 171-199

"You know what sudden enlightenment is? One diciple came to a Masterand answered his koan and the Master hit him with a stick and knocked him off the veranda ten feet into a mud puddle. The disciple got up and laughed. He later became a Master himself. 'Twasn't by words he was enlightened, but by that great healthy push off the porch."

I can see how someone can be enlightened this way. It is not so much words that make you understand but actions. To some people they respoind better to when things actally hapepnd to them and they live through it, not so much whent hey are talked to death. How can some fully be englightened if they jsut read about it and wait for it to happen. It the act fo soemthing happening is enlightenment. I meen im not toatly sure if that is correct but tis not like studying or understanding enlightenment to reach it you much have something effect you like this person who became the master did.

"Japhy said " Why do you sit on your ass all day?"
" i practice do-nothing."
Whats the difference? Burn it, my Buddhism is activity," said Japhy

I thinks this is jsut another way the challane each other, liek we talked about in class. He doesent think he is doing " nothing" and Japhy is trying to make him do it his way. I could be way off about this. i just thought this was a really funny quote. and plus doing nothing actually is important some people always have to do something, its like cant you just sit down and not do anything, you dont alwasy need to be moving alwasy need to be going somewere its good to just be.

The Dharma Bums- Pg 150-171

" Two Hours work, he gave me four dollars and i went into a truckstop diner and had a royal meal and was al set for that afternoon and night."

It is so werid how evcerything was so cheap. He worked for 2 hard hours loading pads onto a truck and he made 4 bucks. If it was this happend now someone would expect liek 20 bucks. Everything now adays is so expensive.

"... I figured it if it was my destiny to die on the Midnight Ghost it was my destiny..."

I love how he taks chances no madder what. I think he is living a peacful enough life to take things for what they are and not be so indesive about why something is or think it al the way through jsut live in the momement and take things for what they are. He is ok with death not scared fo ti like alot fo other people. He kinda feels liek there is more in his life that he has to do but how can he be sure its liek fate, he belive in it i think. which i actualyl find a little werid how can someonw know who they are and what they do compleatly if they belive in fate that somoene els is making your choices for you. That he actualyl isent in controle of his life?

The Dharma Bums- Pg. 120-149

" Everything is possible. I am God, I am Buddha, I am imperfect Ray Smith, all the time in the world from life to life to do what is to do, to do what is done, to do the timeless doing, infinitely perfect within, why cry, why worry, perfect like mind essence and the minds of banana peels."

The thing about this books as i have noticed is that, Ray goes on these tangents were he is just expressing himself but he is not telling us how he feels directly he is talking about somehing bigger every time he goes on like this. He is saying that everything is connected. Every one thing that someone does directly effects another thing. Also kinda talking about rencartantion that evertything you do form this one life gets carried onto your next life.

pg 129

" Here i am killin myself drivin this rig back and forth from Ohio to L.A. and I am making more money then you ever had in your whole life as a hobo, but you're the one who enjoys life and not only that but you do it without workingor a whole lot of money. Now who's smart, you or me?...he was a great man and i liked him and he liked me and said ' well I'll tell you, wupposin i drive you all the way to Ohio."

I love this quote this whole conversation, I love how much of a free drifter Ray is and how he meets people just avrage people and makes them think gives them prespective. He without even doing much but have a comon curtasy but making him dinner and chatting with him has make this man think about his life VS Rays, how he is working so hard and making money but isent compleattly happy he is doig all the right things in socity but isent happy and Ray not doing anythign that socity tells you is so hapy and doesent need a dime. And then when the guy offers him a ride, that was great becaouse now they are friend has he says latter on he would help him out he si shwing Ray some kindeness, and i dont thinkt ha most people int he world could get kindness liekt hat if they dident give it out themsleves.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

paper topic

paper topic charity in the book thinking of other

count cult presentations- the yes man or wto protesters..

Sunday, April 15, 2007

The Dharma Bums- Pg. 94-120

" Everything was real, okay. Thats why frontiersmen are always heroes and were always my real heroes and will always be. They'er constantly on the aler in the realnes which might as well be a real as unreal, what difference does it make, Diamonds Sutra says ' Make no formed conceptions about the realness or exitence not about the unrealness of existence,' or words like that. Handcuffs will get sodt and billy clubs will topple over, let's go on being free anyhow."

This is when Japhy was talking to all thoughs men at this " party"/ poetery place. I really like this quote he is just telling this guy about realness in life. I really cant express why i like this quote so much, I understand it in my own way but i just cant project what I want to say. I posted it because i think it is full of true beleife in something, and the way he is just able to express himself is amazing.

...When i tried to explain the Dharma to people, Albah, my mother, my reatives, girlfriends, everybody, thye never listened, they alwasy wanted met o listen to them, thy knew, I dident't know anything, I was jsut a dumb young kid and impractical fool who dident't understand the seriouse significance of this very important, very real world."

This is when Ray is trying to talk to Rosie and he feels like this. It is very werid that he explains this in this way because thats how many people feel, when thye try to tell others there belifes and no one understand or cares to. This is a big thing in alot peoples lives today, the fact that no one is listening to them or there ideas about things. This is also very big with kids in thr 60's and 70's and there parents when they try to explain to them why they love this type of music or why they act a certain way, and the parents freek out and say that if its isent just there way or that they dont undsetand anything and that its all about money and stupid things like that. And what thye should be doing is not teaching them lessons like that but listening to there veiws and opions and not shutting them down compleatly. I understand how he feels in this moment compleatly its a scarry crappy feeling have people not care about what you care about.

The Dharma Bums- Pg. 72-94

" There was another aspect of Japhy that amazed me: his tremendouse and tender sence of charity. He was always giving things, always practicing what the Buddhists call the Paramita of Dana, the perfection of charity."

I am glad that Smith sees this and understands this about Japhy. He and Japhy are a lot alike, in the begining when Smith gives the bum some of the food, he proably doesent even know that he is practicing Paramita of Dana himself. That is another reason why i think Japhy and him get along so well becaouse they are both ever aware of others and not just themselves. If someone is knowingly doing acts of kindness, it is great. But when someone consitenatly and for the majortiy of the time doesent know they they are pereforming chartity for others, that I think is really reaching Paramita of Dana. Also just acting nice to others and trying to think of them before you is so amazing and creates such good vibs and expreances for everyone.

" Those things aren't made to be heard by the people down below," says Japhy dead serious.

This is right after Ray and Japhy reach the top of the mountain and Ray wanted to recored what it was like up there. That is the type of thing no one should recored because it would never sound the same to someone who was not up there. You hear and see things diffrently after you accompish something, to someone else they would never unserstand compleatly the feelings that those to guys felt when they reached the top, because there whole bodys feel it and whole prespective on top of the mountain is compleatly different.

The Dharma Bums- Pg. 49-72

" They are Buddhist designs that are alwasy circles filled with things, the circle representing the void and the things illusion see. You sometimes see mandalas painted over a Bodhisattva's head and can tell his history from studying it. Tibetan in origin."

This Japhy explaining what mandalas are. It kind of seems like it is form of mind reading but way more advanced. This is a way for people too look into an other persons life kind of. You can see what they were like in the past. I think that would be an awsome thing to learn how to do, to be able to just know everything about another person by reading there designs. I meen granded its only Bodhisattva's who have theres visable so you couldent see everyones, but it would be very amazing if someone could.

" You know," I said, " I think it doesen't make any diffrence to him anyway. He's just satidied to wander around and forget things."

This is when Morley had to walk back to the car 4 miles back from were they came from. I can understand why he would want to just wander back, he is the kind of guy who likes to just wander and not think of anything spesificly. This is just more of them showing how much they are like real people. Also how to some of them like Morley is is toataly fine wandering. Not many people are fine with wandering they always feel like they need to get some were, but half of an adventure, is the experences along the way, not reaching your destination and Morley is really living by that.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Dharma Bums 24-49

"And the absence of active lust in me had also givin me a new peaceful life that i was enjoying a great deal."

He is happy not to have love in his life. Not having a sex life for him is helping to become more peaceufl as he says. Not haveing to deal with the stress of a woman or anything is what he wants right now. He does miss haveing that exacitment in his life but it is good that he is holding ack and being absence. I do not know many men who do actualy follow this path.

"No it isent any god up there once you're at high alititude and tired you don't crave alcohal." I dident belive this but said nothing .

He is showing here how he is such an alcoholic. He does not want to go anywhere without his booz. They are all on drugs because in a way he helps them see a diffrent prespective about the world and situation that occur.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

The Dharma Bums- Pg. 1-24

"The little bum was sitting crosslegged at his end before a pitful repast of one can of sardines. I took pitty on him and went over and said, " How about a little wine to warm you up? Maybe you'd like some bread andf cheese with your sardines. "

This is awsome how this guy does this. Little acts of kindess like this make all the diffrence in the world. He is showing he has good karma, and that he does care for others isent selfish. This quote kinda shows you this mans personality. Helping people out, offering this bum some food proably made this guys day. Giving to others is one of the most important trates that a person should have. " Do one to others as you would have other do on you."

"... I saw that he was the only one who dident look like a poet, though poet he was indeed."

Looks can be desiving, one should not judge someone else one how they apeare. Take this Dharma Bum poet person he may not look like a poet at the narator says but he probably is able to express himself the best out of all the other people there. People are alwasy more then what they seem. If one took there first option about someone else during there first incounterment no one would know anyone else, it takes time to understand another person, passing judgements to quickly isent a good thing.

"Are these actual miles"

"Good luck," he says and tocuher her elbow. She nods. He sees she is alreaady gone. already negotiating.
" Things are going to be different!" he calls to her as she reaches the drivewasy. " We start over Monday, I meen it."

Toni has to so sell these cars in order to provide for her family. This is just part of her personality I think. She is all right going already trying to make money. He does not even need to wish her luck or anything because she at this point in the story is very confident that she will be able to sell something. They are just trying to get by this little couple and they will use all of their talents to do so.

" He listens to the traffic on the highwasy and considers whether he should go to the basement, stand on the utility sink, and hang himself with his belt. He understands he is willing to be dead. "

He is not really scared to die this man. He does not have much left, he has no options. Some people have tog o throught this type of thought because they do have nothing left. They cant pay debt, cant pay for food, cant pay. Money makes the world go round. This story shows that kinda everyone in some way is trying to get money to servive. This man just right now does not know how he is going to be able to servive.

Friday, April 6, 2007

word of the day

errant - to wander
claron clear shill nosie.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

" The Persistence of Desire"

"...Every cell in his body has been replaced since he has last seen her, his hands jerked in his lap and blood bounded against his skin."

This quote is when he sees his ex girlfriend again. He doesnet know what to feel or how to think. He is entranct by he presence. He has een in a slup and she was like a breath of fresh air for him. His body is feeling all of these things that he hasent felt in a while. He sounds board with his life now and to see her is like living errantly.

"Well if i hurt you, it was stupidity, because I was young. I've often wondered since if I did, because it seems now that you were the only people outside my family whoever, actually, liked me."

He is telling her how he feels. There in an apartment and just chatting and he is taken over by love for her. He is telling her he is sorry and everything he feels. She on the other hand is acting a little distant and taken back. He is giving her an aplogy for all that he has done and expressing his love for her. And remember how she acts and how much he liked/missed her in his life.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

1950's Project

Corperations in the 1950's birth or corpret america.

"The Swimmer"


“ Why did he love storms, what was the meaning of his excitement when he door sprang open and the rain wind fled rudely up the stairs, why had the simple task of shutting the windows of an old house seemed fitting and urgent, why did the first watery notes of a storm wind have for him the unmistakable sound of good news, sheer, glad tidings?”

It is interesting to hear the narrator talk about this other mans behavior during a storm. Most people are usually thinking negatively about storms, that they can’t go out, there is a flood, their hair got wet. But this man is fascinated by it, intrigued with Mother Nature’s ability to make the house seem uncomfortable, like it is not going to be able to withstand the storm. Weather is an influence thing in a person’s life, people should learn to appreciate it and not try to find ways to avoid it.

"The Death of Justina"

Pg 541

“ The soul does not leave the body, but lingers with it through cold, through the long winter nights when no one comes with a wreath or a plant and no one says a prayer.”

The writer is expressing his thoughts about after life. He is not trying to do anything to poetic or trying to spin it in a different way he is telling his honest opinion, he is not scared to express the reality of the after life. Religion influences and makes people believe in “ heaven,” “hell,” finding “ nirvana.” All of these theories that they use to influence people, this man speaking is not giving into any of that he is finding the harsh reality of death. It seems like he is sad, sad that he doesn’t actually believe in an after life. He is sad because he thinks that when he is gone his soul his mind wont be able to go anywhere or do something other then be left there un-touched.

“ There are some Americans who, although their fathers emigrated from the old world three centuries ago, never seem to have quite completed the voyage, and I am one of these…and wondering why, in this most prosperous, equitable and accomplished world-where even the cleaning women practice the Chopin preludes in their spare time- everyone should seem to be so disappointed?”

He speaker I have found throughout the whole story to be honest. He is talking about how even though Americans have come and settled, made rich fulfilling lives for themselves still crave more. Yet none of them actually do anything about this feeling. They just create different distractions. No on is any longer curious as our for fathers were, actually carted about developing a thriving culture, but now that they have this obsolete society they still crave more they still think that what they have isn’t good enough.

Monday, March 26, 2007
